International Conference in Economics, Business, Humaniora and Applied Science
Series of International Conference [I]
Steering Committee
Prof. Yuta Hirayama, Osaka Metropolitan University Japan.
Dr. Sylvain Baumann, University of Le Havre-Normandy, France.
Mr. Vasu Srivibha, Sasin University, Thailand.
Prof. Nick Morris, La Trobe University, Australia.
Prof. Jerry Chi, Andrew University, USA.
Dr. Dan LeClair, GBSN, New York, USA.
Prof. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, University of Genève, (UNIGE), Switzerland.
Prof. Samuel Grandval, University of Le Havre-Normandy, France.
Prof. Ying-Chyi Chou, Overseas Science and Technology Division-NSTC, Belgium.
Prof. Jan Veuger, Saxion University, Netherlands.
Prof. Hernando Gil Tovar, Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva, Colombia.
Dr. NurulHuda Mohd Satar, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Dr. Jaka Aminata, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia.
Dr. Sami Al-Daghistani is an Associate Professor in Contemporary Islamic Studies at Lund University, Sweden.

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